From concept to reality!
Ismène: At an art-exposition in 2013, my eye was caught by the beautifull costume collection made by Agnes van Dijk. I instantly fell in love with the fabric, the colours and the message she was sending with her ‘Artistic Fashion Creations’. As soon as I got home, I decided to contact her. One year later, we finally met in person and I was able to tell her about a dress I had in mind for the production of “Tree of Desire”.
Agnes: “Can you work with leaves?” Ismène asked me. So I showed her an artpiece that contained real orchid flowers. If I could work with flowers, surely leaves from trees would work. Random leaves from the woods or of the streets would not do. We wanted a special collection. Leaves with meaning to them. Ismène, also internationally knows as ‘Issy’, asked friends and contacts all over the world to each collect, dry and send a couple of leaves, inprinted with their own silent or unspoken longings. Within no-time, an even more beautiful collection than we could wish for started to grow and leaves from every part of the world landed at our doorstep! This is how my fashion piece: “Tree of Desire” was concieved and completed.
Agnes van Dijk, july 2015
International Collection Leaves & Desires
A small selection of leaves including: Japan, Italy, USA, The Fillipines, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Africa, Germany, France